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You've Got to Have Vocabulary!

Common Vocabulary for Task 1

In previous lessons, we looked at the first sentence for task 1 and the organization of the task. In this lesson, we’ll introduce some of the common vocabulary for the task and in later lessons, we’ll practice that vocabulary.

And whether you're a girl or a guy, you've gotta use your vocabulary.

To introduce a new idea, you can use vocabulary for connections:

As this chart explains/describes,

According to_______,

To change a number to make it more sophisticated, you can use vocabulary for statistics:

49% - approximately/roughly/nearly 50%

One in two/one out of two

To connect a comparison, you can use vocabulary for comparisons:

Because the chart, graph or table is comparing information, this vocabulary for comparisons can make your writing even more sophisticated.

In 1971 -1972, approximately 1000 males furthered their education. On the other/in Contrast, roughly 800 females furthered their education in that same period.

In 1971 -1972, approximately 1000 males furthered their education, while or whereas roughly 800 females furthered their education in that same period.

In 1971 -1972, approximately 1000 males furthered their education compared to/in contrast to or with roughly 800 females who furthered their education in that same period.

To show increases or decreases, you can use vocabulary for verbs:

Because the chart, graph or table is providing information about increases or decreases, this vocabulary for verbs can make your writing even more sophisticated.

Increased a lot: increased sharply/increased dramatically

Increased a little: increased slightly/gradually

Same over time: increased steadily

To show synonyms for subjects, you can use vocabulary for people:

The number of males

The proportion of males

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