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Integrated Speaking Type 4: OUR PLAN

Are you ready? Okay, let's go to our next type. Our next type is the second integrated speaking type, type 4. In this type, you read a passage about a concept or idea and then listen to a brief lecture which gives an example or application of that idea.


1.Understand the organization and the format of the response.

2.Learn how to take notes to the reading and listening

3.Practice the response and give extra preparation time - 1 minute and with the regular recording time of 60 seconds.

4.Then practice the response with the required 30 seconds preparation time and regular recording time of 60 seconds.

First, we will look at the order and then a sample template:

Here is the order for type 4:

  • READING a passage about a concept.(45 seconds)

  • LECTURE on a specific example or application of this concept.(60 to 90 seconds)

  • PREPARATION TIME: 30 seconds

  • RECORDING TIME: 60 seconds – Summarize the reading and lecture and discuss the relationship between the two.

Let's look at a sample template for two examples in the listening:

This lecture is about coevolution and it can be seen in a couple of examples.

The first example is about yucca flower. The tiny yucca can pollinate inside the flower.

The second example concerns snapdragon and the bee. The flower is an irregular size the bee has to have the right size and weight or the flower won’t open. It only opens for the right bee. These examples illustrate coevolution and that they both benefit.

Sometimes there is only one example. However, usually when there is only one example, there are two ideas that they tell about that example. The example could be an elephant and two things about its ears.

In that case you could do this format:

This lecture is about __________and it can be seen in an elephant's ears.

The first point is about

The second point concerns ...... These points illustrate ____________ and that they________________.

Later we will do practice for both but for now we have a basic understanding of the order of the question and suggested templates. We'll give an overview and our plan for each. Then we will dive into each of them and go step by step.

In our next lesson we will look at type 5 and our plan.

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