There are 6 questions for speaking. The first two are independent speaking questions. The rest are integrated speaking questions. Let's look at the first kind of integrated speaking question.
This question is about an memo or an announcement.
The format for this type is the following:
READING on written notice or announcement (45 seconds)
TWO STUDENTS DISCUSS written notice or announcement. (60 to 80 seconds)
RECORDING TIME: 60 seconds (Report what was in the announcements and what one of the students thought)
Now to our plan,
we want to understand the organization,
create a template,
and later practice time.
Let's look at the organization of each part and a basic template for the reading and listening.
The announcement is about the topic of cell phones/or the use of cell phones in a college classroom.
This announcement concerns the topic of cell phones/or the use of cell phones in a college classroom.
Where do you get the idea for your topic sentence? In the first line of the reading. I just steal the most important noun phrase.
SAMPLE RESPONSE FROM READING: Give support from reading
According to the reading, cell phones need to be turned off because the sound is distracting. Even phones that vibrated are distracting so the professor wants students to turn them off or not bring them to class.
SAMPLE RESPONSE FROM LISTENING: The directions will ask you to explain one person's opinion here.
The conversation between the two students is about their opinions on cell phones or the professor’s cell phone policy.
The man thinks that it is rude to use your cell phone in class.
OR The man or male student felt that students can live without their phones for an hour because the professor is right. It is distracting.
The woman feels that it is harsh. She said that there could be a family emergency.
This announcement concerns the topic of cell phones. According to the reading, cell phones need to be turned off because the sound is distracting. Even phones that vibrated are distracting so the professor wants students to turn them off or not bring them to class. The conversation between the two students is about their opinions on cell phones or the professor’s cell phone policy. The man or male student felt that students can live without their phones for an hour because the professor is right. It is distracting.